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As you may know, my first YA novel, DAUGHTER OF CHAOS, is releasing in March of 2014 from Month9Books.  Baby’s all dressed up with a gorgeous cover, and you get to see it! Plus, I’ll be giving away two of my favorite YA Paranormal titles to celebrate the cover reveal.  Squee: I can’t wait for y’all to see it!

Catch the cover at these sites:

July 2nd: YA Valentines

July 5th: Burning Tree Reads

July 9th: Hugs & Kisses of Poetry

Around the web in July:

S.M. Boyce

Wynne Channing

Becca Hamilton

Ja citam, a ti?

Nikki Jefford

Brandon R. Luffman

Ally Malinenko

Christie Rich

J. Scott Sharp

Delancey Stewart
